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County Tax Assessor Collector

Deborah A. Sevcik

Lavaca County Courthouse Annex
404 N. Texana
P. O. Box 293
Hallettsville, TX 77964

Phone: 361-798-3601
Fax: 361-798-5229

For property tax search/Online payment of taxes:

The Lavaca County Tax Office collects ad valorem taxes for Lavaca County, Farm-Market Road, Lavaca Hospital District, Moulton Clinic District, Yoakum Hospital District, Lavaca County Flood Control District, City of Hallettsville, City of Moulton, City of Shiner, Ezzell ISD, Hallettsville ISD, Moulton ISD, Shiner ISD, Sweet Home ISD, and Vysehrad ISD.

Office hours Monday through Friday:
  • Lobby: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Drive-up: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Open during lunch

Other services provided by the office are:
  1. Registering motor vehicles and transferring motor vehicle titles
  2. Registering boats and transferring boat and motor titles  
  3. Collect county portion of beer and liquor licenses


For title transfers, we ask that you PLEASE have ALL paperwork completed before entering the office. This will allow the employees to process your transaction in a timely manner. NO TITLE TRANSACTIONS WILL BE PROCESSED AFTER 4:00 PM.

For your convenience, please continue to use the online services we offer for vehicle registration and tax payments. You may call our office at 361-798-3601 for ANY questions or assistance.

On-Line payments for vehicle registrations click here

Subcontractors that sell Lavaca County auto registrations when a current renewal notice is presented:
  • Shiner: Lala Insurance Agency, 107 E. 5th Street, Shiner, TX 77984
  • Moulton: Lala Insurance Agency, 216 W. Moore Street, Moulton, TX 77975

 Texas Department of Transportation - Vehicle Title & Registration Forms

Vehicle Title & Registration FAQs

Texas Department of Transportation - Austin Regional Office



SB2 of the 86th Texas Legislature 

Section 106

(a) Not later than the 30th day after the date this section takes effect:

1. the designated officer or employee of each taxing unit shall submit to the county assessor-collector for each county in which all or part of the territory of the taxing unit is located the worksheets used by the designated officer or employee to calculate the effective and rollback tax rates of the taxing unit for the 2015-2019 tax years; and 

2. the county assessor-collector for each county shall post the worksheets submitted to the county assessor-collector under Subdivision (1) of this subsection on the Internet website of the county.

(b) This section takes effect immediately if this Act received a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Section takes effect on the 91st day after the last day of the legislative session.


***SB2 of the 86th Texas Legislature changed wording within the Texas Property Tax Code regarding Truth-In-Taxation. The changes are struck-out in red and replaced with the new verbiage and must be displayed until 2026***

The Adopted Tax Rate is the tax rate adopted by the governing body of a taxing unit.

The Maintenance and Operations Rate is the component of the adopted tax rate of a taxing unit that will impose the amount of taxes needed to fund maintenance and operation expenditures of the unit for the following year.

The Debt Rate is the component of the adopted tax rate of a taxing unit that will impose the amount of taxes needed to fund the unit’s debt service for the following year.

The No-New-Revenue Effective Tax Rate is the tax rate that would generate the same amount of revenue in the current tax year as was generated by a taxing unit’s adopted tax rate in the preceding tax year from property that is taxable in both the current tax year and the preceding tax year.

The Effective Maintenance and Operations Rate is the tax rate that would generate the same amount of revenue for maintenance and operations in the current tax year as was generated by a taxing unit’s maintenance and operations rate in the preceding tax year from property that is taxable in both the current tax year and the preceding tax year.

The Voter Approval Rate Rollback Tax Rate is the highest tax rate a taxing unit may adopt before requiring voter approval at an election.